Operation Step

Operation steps let the test authors perform requests to the server based on the SupportedOperations
advertised by Hydra API Documentation or inlined in the resource representation.


  • Operation steps are valid where representation is the context.
  • Operation steps are also valid on top level.
  • Operation has a single child step Invoke.


Top-level scenario step

The simplest use of an operation is to place it in the root of a test scenario so that it will be invoked as soon as any resource representation which supports it is analysed.

With Operation <http://example.com/vocab#CreateIssueOperation> {
    Invoke {
        Expect Status 201

Context-specific operation

An operation can be limited in scope to a specific Class or anywhere else where representation steps are valid, such as Property. Thus, the child invocations will only be performed when the operation is found within a specific client state.

With Class <http://example.com/vocab#Task> {
    With Operation <http://example.com/vocab#CancelTask> {
        Invoke {
            Expect Status 204

Making operation mandatory

Just like with the Property step, a missing operation can be reported as a test failure by swapping With modifier for Expect.

With Class <http://example.com/vocab#Task> {

    // Will report error if operation is not found
    Expect Operation <http://example.com/vocab#CancelTask> {
        Invoke {
            Expect Status 204

Child invocations can also be skipped to only check that the operation is supported. If a top-level With Operation is found it will still be executed.

With Class <http://example.com/vocab#Task> {
    Expect Operation <http://example.com/vocab#CancelTask>

With Operation <http://example.com/vocab#CancelTask> {
    Invoke {
        // ...
Last Updated: 7/28/2019, 4:22:30 PM